The most exciting development is the arrival of this amazing prototype terrier guard, a present from a very kind friend and fellow collector. This ultra rare figure is a treasured part of my collection due to the rarity but even more so as a special gift.
Adult size figure
Created for the 25th Anniversary celebration
Never released
Only two in existence

Other projects from the past month include (finally) sorting books, catalogues, magazines and other paper bits. These have been building up for years and many have come from friend and collecting legend Jacc Batch, including the British Airways colouring books.
Organized for scanning
Sorting into protective sleeves
Scanning is a long term project, will take an eternity
The "to be added to website" folder is growing, need to dedicate more time to updates, hopefully before August / September releases begin arriving.
Working on updates to the Sylvanian Families reddit, including creating the wiki, adding links to various resources and gauging interest in community events.
Need to finalize plans for next year's Creative Challenge series
Oh Terra, the little Terrier Guard is just beautiful! A very kind gift from your friend, and a worthy recipient - I can't think of anyone better than you to look after him. 😊